7 Ways To Radically Accept Your Spouse, For A WAY Better Marriage
Marriage and change go hand-in-hand. It's no wonder that traditional marital vows are literally all about how spouses need to support and...

When Is It Time For Relationship Counseling?
When we think of couples counseling, we immediately attach thoughts of crisis and drama to this idea. People right away say, “no, not...

6 Stages of Relationship Breakdown
The Pattern of Demise Can you recognize this all-too-common pattern breaking down your relationship? With a life of its own, this...

The Cost of Being Right
What it means to lay down the sword: It is amazing to me how couples lose sight of all virtues of kindness, consideration and respect...

Improve Communication with your Partner with the Decoding Technique
Have you noticed the dead-end dialogue you and your partner have going on? Does it often lead to nowhere fast? Perhaps its time to switch...